Thursday, November 24, 2011


It’s Thanksgiving again and as usual, there are Facebook statuses of “Happy Turkey Day” and others about how the Pilgrims screwed over the Native Americans. These statuses are not only a bit cliché, but missing the point of Thanksgiving. The point of Thanksgiving is not to think about the Pilgrims and the Native Americans; they’re rather inconsequential to the point of Thanksgiving, they just provided the basis for the holiday itself. The true point of Thanksgiving is vocalizing what you’re thankful for. So in the spirit of Thanksgiving, here’s what I am thankful for.

1.      Family- Although people often assume that this goes without saying, I think it’s important to say it. I’m thankful for my family; they provide me with food and shelter, are genuinely nice people, and are great. Grandparents, parents, and siblings, all are important to my life, and I’m thankful to have them.

2.      Friends- I appreciate my friends, and although I probably don’t tell them it, it’s great to have friends. It’s nice to have people to talk to, whether it is about school, Knights of the Old Republic, Apple products, chemistry, Minecraft, and more. Having people to talk to at lunch makes my day not only more enjoyable, but it makes it different in a way that is hard to put into words. So to all my friends, near and far, I am thankful for you.

3.      Teachers- I would not be the person I am today, and will not be the person I will be in 20 years without teachers. Teachers have difficult jobs, and it is important to remember that they shape who we are. I would especially like to thank my band directors, math teachers, and science teachers, as these subjects are the highlight of my day and the classes would not be the same without each and every one of them.

4.      Pets- I enjoy having my two geckos and I enjoy other people’s pets as well, such as my grandmother’s cats. Pets are fun, and my geckos always seem happy to see me (or they just want food) which brightens my day considerably. So I’m thankful for pets; the companionship they provide is invaluable.

5.      Music- It has inspired me throughout my entire life and still provides inspiration for me today. I would like to thank everyone who plays music, writes music, and teaches music for the invaluable experience that it has been for me. I am also thankful for the music companies that manufacture instruments, such as Henri Selmer Paris, for the wonderful equipment they provide.

6.      Computer Games- I enjoy playing computer games; it helps me stop thinking about everything I usually think about and focus on entertainment. I thank Bethesda Studios and LucasArts especially for the great games they make and the endless hours of game-play they provide.

7.      Food, Water, Shelter, etc- essentially, I am thankful for the life that I have today. All over the world there are people who lack the basic necessities for survival. I am thankful that I have all the tools I need for survival, and am thankful for those who provide them for me.

So all in all, I am thankful for my life and everything that makes it up. Although there are things that I don’t like, I am thankful that they exist, as they are instrumental to making me who I am. To my friends and family who may read this blog, I am thankful for you.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving,



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